You may manually load the menu into AutoCADŽ , AcceliCADŽ or IntelliCADŽ by doing
the following:
Start AutocadŽ , AcceliCADŽ or IntelliCADŽ
Open Windows explorer
Browse to the directory you installed the program into, the default is:
c:\Program Files\CogoSoftware\dpcogo\
Drag the following file into your drawing: LoadMenu.lsp
You may also manually load the menu into AutoCADŽ by doing the following:
At the cursor prompt type: menuload
A dialog box will appear
Click browse
Change file type to .mnu
Browse to c:\Program Files\CogoSoftware\dpcogo\toolbars\DpcogoA.mnu
Select open
Select load.
The menu and toolbars should now be visible.
You may also manually load the menu into IntelliCADŽ by doing the following:
Go to the "Tools" pulldown menu and select "Customize"
or at the command prompt type: menuload
A dialog box will appear
Click the "import" button at the bottom
Place a check in the box next to "Append to current menu"
Browse to c:\Program Files\CogoSoftware\dpcogo\Dpcogo.mnu
Select open
Now select the "Toolbars" tab at the top
Click the "import" button at the bottom
Place a check in the box next to "Append to current menu"
Browse to c:\Program Files\CogoSoftware\dpcogo\Dpcogo.mnu
Select open
Click the "Close" button at the bottom.
The menu and toolbars should now be visible.
------End Menu Loading Section--------
For step by step instructions for our DPpoints menu items click here!
Before you begin go to Drafting -- Drawing Setup
Drawing Setup - Select English or Metric units -changes the ltscale and
labeling precision, changes dimscale to the scale of the drawing, it changes
textsize to one tenth the drawing scale (English) and to 3mm (Metric) and it
changes other dimension variables. You may use notepad to edit dpset.lsp in the
Dpcogo directory if you want to change or customize these settings.
Set points
Survey and Cogo does not use AutoCADŽ point objects, It uses blocks which
contain the point node, a point number, point elevation and point description.
Set points by entering Northings & Eastings (coords) or pick a point
(if you pick a point on a 3D object, the elevation will be used for the point).
You may also set points by Traverse, Sideshot, or by entering a station and
offset along an alignment.
Note: Whenever you add points to the drawing a user definable block can also be
placed there automatically, such as an iron pipe or a power pole etc. -
See Create key descriptions below.
Point blocks
There are two point nodes placed for each point. One node is placed at the
elevation of the point on layer 3D_NODE to be used for surface modeling
programs or for drawing 3D lines etc. The other node is placed at elevation 0
on layer 2D_NODE to be used for 2D drafting.
The "Reassociate points" command will move all 2d nodes to their proper location in relation to the 3d nodes in case you move points manually and get them separated.
The point number is on layer DPNO, the point elevation is on layer DPEL, and
the point description is on layer DPDES.
Create key descriptions
Selecting this option brings up a dialog box in which you may enter point
descriptions that will cause a block to be placed along with the point, such as
an iron pipe or a power pole. A block (drawing file) with the same name as the
description must be placed in the c:\Program
Files\CogoSoftware\Dpcogo\dwglib\ directory - a sampling of some
descriptions and blocks are included with the program. The list of descriptions
are kept in the file c:\Program Files\CogoSoftware\Dpcogo\dwglib\dpdestd.lbr
Please note that the block will be scaled by the linetype scale of the drawing.
If you are drawing at a 20 scale then the linetype scale (LTSCALE) variable
should be set to 20. If you use the Set drawing scale option on the drafting
menu, the linetype scale will be automatically set.
The key description must be the first part of the description before any spaces.
An example: Lets say the key is ip for iron pipe - when the program sees the key
ip, it places the block ip.dwg at the point location.
The following are valid descriptions:
ip bent
ip 1/2"
Create line descriptions
This command is being phased out. The import linework command will automatically
find line descriptions from the point file.
Selecting this option brings up a dialog box in which you may enter line
descriptions that will cause a layer to be created and linework to be drawn on
it from a point file (See Import line file).
If a line description was set up for ep, then any line name beginning with "ep"
would be placed on layer ep.
Downloading a Data Collector
Use the software that came with your Data Collector to download to a file in
one of the following formats:
Point Number, Northing, Easting, Elevation, Description (PNEZD) or
Point Number, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Description (PENZD).
This file may then be imported using the import points and/or the import
linework commands.
Point symbols and lines are automatically drawn.
Example: Let's say you are downloading from a Sokkia SDR33.
If you use the ProLINK Comms program, which came with the Sokkia SDR33, you
will need to send the data from the SDR33 in POS view. This option is under the
Communication Menu. Once the data is in ProLINK Comms as coordinates then there
is a format conversion that will convert to the format that you wish.
Point display
Points display on will set pdmode to 3 (displays an x) and pdsize to
Points display off will set pdmode to 1 (no display).
Points display select will allow the user to select a point display
Zoom to points by number will center the point in the current display.
Renumber points add a numeric value (+ or -) to existing point numbers.
Select points by number will make a selection set of points by entering
a range of point numbers. Use the previous selection set "P" option to use
these points in another command (such as nodelist or twist).
Select points by description will make a selection set of points by
finding a matching description. Enter the description to find. Use the previous
selection set "P" option to use these points in another command (such as
nodelist or twist).
Change point layer by number will move points to a different layer by
entering a range of point numbers. Enter the range of point numbers and the
layer to move to (the layer must exist in the drawing).
Change point layer by description will move points with a certain
descrption to a different layer. Enter the description to find and the layer to
move to (the layer must exist in the drawing).
Add text to elevation by desc. Will add text to an elevation , such as
adding TC= to an elevation (i.e. TC=600.00), by finding a matching description.
Add text to elevation by select Will add text to an elevation ,
such as adding TC= to an elevation (i.e. TC=600.00), by selecting a point or
group of points.
Reset elevation by desc. Will reset the elevation text to the elevation
of the point by finding a matching description.
Reset elevation by select Will reset the elevation text to the elevation
of the point by selecting a point or group of points.
Boundary Traverse and Sideshot
Set points using a boundary traverse or sideshot (use vertical angle or
difference in elevation). Select a point to occupy by point number, or pick a
random point graphically, then select a point to backsite - enter as many
sideshots as you need. When done press enter - the program will move you to the
last point that you set and backsite the point that you were on before -
continue with traverse or sideshot. Note: In order to set on or backsite an
existing point in the drawing you must enter the point number.
Draw Traverse - Draw by entering bearings and distances and curves. Good for inputing an existing boundary.
Radial Stakeout
Enter a point number to occupy. Then enter a point number to backsite. You will
be prompted to create or select a file. If you select an existing file, the new
data will be appended to it. You may graphically select all the points that you
want to include in the stakeout report, or you can enter a range of point
numbers. You may now open the file in notepad or any other text editor and
print it out.
Inverse points by entering point numbers. You will be prompted for the first
point number and then the second point number.
A bearing and distance will be displayed at the command prompt.
Find intersections by Bearing - Bearing, Bearing - Distance, Distance -
Distance, Line - Arc, and Point offset to a line.
You will be prompted for the first point number and bearing (or enter two point
numbers for bearing) and then the second point number and bearing (or enter two
point numbers for bearing), the intersection will be displayed at the command
prompt and you will be asked if you would like to set a new point there.
You will be prompted for the first point number and bearing (or enter two point
numbers for bearing) and then the second point number and distance, the
intersection will be displayed at the command prompt and you will be asked if
you would like to set a new point there.
You will be prompted for the first point number and distance and then the
second point number and distance, the intersection will be displayed at the
command prompt and you will be asked if you would like to set a new point
Note: If two answers are found, you will be asked to choose the answer you want to use.
You will be prompted for the first point number and the second point number to
define a line, then you will be prompted for a point number at the center of
the arc and a radius, the intersection will be displayed at the command prompt
and you will be asked if you would like to set a new point there.
Point offset to a line:
You will be prompted for the first point number and the second point number to
define a line, then you will be prompted for a point number, the bearing and
distance from the point perpendicular to the line will be displayed at the
command prompt.
Draw by point number
You may draw a line from point to point by entering the point number.
Import / Export
Import points from an ascii file or export points to an ascii file. A file is
created in a variety of formats (including: Point Number, Northing, Easting,
Elevation and Description). You may also create a Point List for viewing in the
same format.
Import line file
Linework may be created in the drawing by reading a point file with linework
coded into it. This may be the same file used to import the points. Line
descriptors must start with a "." right after the key description (if any). The
line name can be anything, such as "line1" or "line2" (An example would be
.line1). If the line is on a curve place a "-" after the "." (An example would
be .-line1).
To end a line, place a "!" after the line descriptor (an example would be
.line1! ). This will stop the line at this point and it will restart at the
next descriptor for that line.
You may also end a line by placing ".." in front of the descriptor (an example
would be ..line1 ). It is preferred that you use .line1! instead of ..line1 to
close a line.
Only one control code (the last one) will be honored in a line descriptor.
To close a line, place a "+" after the line descriptor (an example would be
.line1+ ). This will close the line back to the beginning point.
To join the last point shot into a line, place a "*" after the line descriptor
(an example would be .line1* ). This will add the last point shot into the
line, inserted before the current point.
You may place several line descriptors on one point (an example would be
.ep!.bc.sw ).
In the following example there is an iron pipe found bent on the edge of
pavement. To code the iron pipe we have set up the key description of "ip" and
the line name is "ep1" also we want to note that the pipe was bent, thus the
description would read in the following format: key description (if any) "."
Line name, a space, and then the note. Example: ip.ep1 bent.
The following are valid line descriptions:
ip.ep1 bent
ip.ep1 some note
Notice that there are no spaces till the beginning of the note.
If a line description was ep1, then line ep1 would be placed on layer ep. Any
line name beginning with "ep" would be placed on layer ep.
Manipulate points
Move points - Select a group of points and move them. Select the 3d
nodes (corresponding 2d nodes are selected automatically).
Rotate points - Select a group of points and rotate them. Select the 3d
nodes (corresponding 2d nodes are selected automatically).
Note: You may use a window or crossing since the routine will only select the 3d
Reassociate points - This command will move all 2d nodes to their
correct location with the 3d nodes.
(In case a 2d node gets moved by accident or a 3d node is moved without
using the "Move points" command.)
Resize points - Select a group of points and change the size of the
point display. (point no. elevation and description)
Note: This command will not change the size of a block placed at the point
(such as a power pole or iron pipe).
Twist points - Select a group of points and pivot the points about their
placement point.
Change elevation - Select a group of points and change the elevation by
adding or subtracting.
Convert elevation - Select a group of points and change the elevation by
mutiplication.(such as converting between metric and English)
Resize blocks - Select a group of blocks and change their size. (such as
power pole or iron pipe)
Note: This command will not affect the points.
Note: To resize both points and blocks - use resize points then use resize
Drawing Setup - Select English or Metric units -changes the ltscale and labeling precision, changes dimscale to the scale of the drawing, it changes textsize to one tenth the drawing scale (English) and to 3mm (Metric) and it changes other dimension variables (you may edit dpset.lsp in the c:\Program Files\CogoSoftware\Dpcogo directory if you want to change these settings).
NOTE: many of our programs use the ltscale setting to scale objects they create.
Design Lots by Area
You may let the program automatically design lots by area using Slide Bearing,
Hinge or Radial methods.
To change the desired result pick the resulting bearing in reverse order.
You may manipulate layers by picking entities on desired layers. The options
Isolate Layer - Sets first selected layer current and turns off all
unselected layers.
Undo Isolate Layer
- Restores layer settings.
Layer Off - Turns off selected layers.
Undo Layer Off - Restores layer settings.
Turn all layers on
- Turns all layers on.
Layer Match - Moves selected entities to new layer.
Change to current layer - Moves selected entities to current layer.
Make Layer Current
- Sets selected layer current.
Layer Walk - Displays layers one at a time.
Layer Lock - Locks selected layers.
Undo Layer Lock - Restores layer settings.
Layer Unlock - Unlocks selected layers.
Layer Freeze - Freezes selected layers.
Undo Layer Freeze - Restores layer settings.
Thaw all layers - Thaws all layers.
Text Leader - Draws a leader and begins mtext.
Text leader box - Draws a leader and places a box around the text.
Box around text - Select text to place a box around (ltscale will
control the space between text and box).
Trim behind text
- Trims all entities behind selected text.
Draw traverse - You may draw by entering bearings or azimuths and distances and curves.
Draw by deflection - You may draw by entering a deflection angle from a line.
Draw Curves - You may draw a curve tangent to two lines or tangent to the end of a line. You may draw curves by PC-RP-PT, PC-POC-PT and PC-PI-PT
Graphic Scale - Places a graphic scale at the desired location (ltscale variable will determine the size and units).
Lot Numbers - Will place incremented numbers at the desired location.
Label Stations - Will place station labels along a line, arc or polyline.
Draw profile grid - Draws and annotates a profile grid, based on current
UCS. Pick lower left and upper right limits.
Label profile elevations - Labels elevations along a datum line as you
pick the point in a profile, based on current UCS.
Extract Profile
- Extracts a profile from a tin of 3dfaces or 3dlines along a defined line.
You may label the bearing and distance of a line by selecting it or by picking
You may label a curve (radius, length) or (delta, radius, tangent, length
and chord bearing & length) by selecting it or by picking points.
Label lines BRG
Label by selecting a line
Brg dist / - Label bearing and distance on top of line.
/ Brg Dist - Label bearing and distance on bottom of line.
Brg / Dist - Label bearing on top and distance on bottom of line.
Dist / Brg - Label distance on top and bearing on bottom of line.
Dist / - Label distance on top of line.
/ Dist - Label distance on bottom of line.
- Label bearing and distance with a leader to a line.
point to point
Label by selecting 2 points for a line
Brg dist / - Label bearing and distance on top of line by selecting
/ Brg Dist - Label bearing and distance on bottom of line by selecting
Brg / Dist - Label bearing on top and distance on bottom of line by
selecting points.
Dist / Brg - Label distance on top and bearing on bottom of line by
selecting points.
Dist / - Label distance on top of line by selecting points.
/ Dist
- Label distance on bottom of line by selecting points.
Label lines AZN
Label by selecting a line
Azn dist / - Label North azimuth and distance on top of line.
/ Azn Dist - Label North azimuth and distance on bottom of line.
Azn / Dist - Label North azimuth on top and distance on bottom of line.
Dist / Azn - Label distance on top and North azimuth on bottom of line.
Dist / - Label distance on top of line.
/ Dist - Label distance on bottom of line.
- Label North azimuth and distance with a leader to a line.
point to point
Label by selecting 2 points for a line
Azn dist / - Label North azimuth and distance on top of line by
selecting points.
/ Azn Dist - Label North azimuth and distance on bottom of line by
selecting points.
Azn / Dist - Label North azimuth on top and distance on bottom of line
by selecting points.
Dist / Azn - Label distance on top and North azimuth on bottom of line
by selecting points.
Dist / - Label distance on top of line by selecting points.
/ Dist
- Label distance on bottom of line by selecting points.
Label lines AZS
Label by selecting a line
Azs dist / - Label South azimuth and distance on top of line.
/ Azs Dist - Label South azimuth and distance on bottom of line.
Azs / Dist - Label South azimuth on top and distance on bottom of line.
Dist / Azs - Label distance on top and South azimuth on bottom of line.
Dist / - Label distance on top of line.
/ Dist - Label distance on bottom of line.
- Label South azimuth and distance with a leader to a line.
point to point
Label by selecting 2 points for a line
Azs dist / - Label South azimuth and distance on top of line by
selecting points.
/ Azs Dist - Label South azimuth and distance on bottom of line by
selecting points.
Azs / Dist - Label South azimuth on top and distance on bottom of line
by selecting points.
Dist / Azs - Label distance on top and South azimuth on bottom of line
by selecting points.
Dist / - Label distance on top of line by selecting points.
/ Dist
- Label distance on bottom of line by selecting points.
Label curves
Label by selecting a curve
Rad ( Len - Label radius on outside and arc length on inside of curve.
Len ( Rad - Label arc length on outside and radius on inside of curve.
Len ( - Label arc length on outside of curve.
( Len - Label arc length on inside of curve.
Note Brg - Label Delta, Tangent, Arc length, Radius, Chord bearing and
Chord distance in a note off the curve.
Note Azn - Label Delta, Tangent, Arc length, Radius, Chord Azimuth North
and Chord distance in a note off the curve.
Note Azs
- Label Delta, Tangent, Arc length, Radius, Chord Azimuth South and Chord
distance in a note off the curve.
Label curves (point)
Label by selecting 3 points to define a curve (center start end -
Rad ( Len - Label radius on outside and arc length on inside of curve.
Len ( Rad - Label arc length on outside and radius on inside of curve.
Len ( - Label arc length on outside of curve.
( Len
- Label arc length on inside of curve.
Label coords - Label coordinates by picking a point.
Label areas - Label areas in square feet and acres (or
Hectares) by selecting a closed polyline.
Write Parcels descriptions
Closure Reports
List lines - You may list the bearing and distance of a line by
selecting it.
List curves
- You may list a curve (delta, radius, tangent, length and chord bearing &
length) by selecting it.
Let the program write your parcel descriptions! Select a commencement point,
then select a commencing polyline, then select a parcel boundary, which is a
closed polyline.
The legal description is written to a text file that you may edit in your
favorite word program.
Print a detailed traverse and closure report using Bearings or Azimuths
describing each leg of the traverse along with the area and error of closure.