CogoSoftware Command List:Points Menu items:Cogo help Create key desc. Create line desc. Point utilities: Points display on Points display off Points display select Delete points Move points Rotate points only Rotate points and objects Reassociate points Change elevation display precision Resize points Resize points to dwg scale Twist points Change elevation Convert elevation Zoom to points by number Renumber points Select points by range Select points by description Change point layer by range Change point layer by description Add text to elevation by desc Add text to elevation by select Reset elevation by desc Reset elevation by select Set pnts by coords Set pnts by selecting Set pnts by station Sideshot/Traverse: Turned Angle Diff in Elev Vertical Angle Radial stakeout North Azimuth Diff in Elev Vertical Angle Radial stakeout South Azimuth Diff in Elev Vertical Angle Radial stakeout Inverse Points Inverse by selecting Intersections: Brg - Brg Brg - Dist Ang - Ang Ang - Dist Dist - Dist Line - Arc Pnt offset to line Draw by Point No. Point list: PNEZD PENZD Import points: PNEZD PNED PENZD ENZD NEZD XYZ from XML Import linework: PNEZD PENZD Export points: PNEZD PENZD XYZ to XML Drafting menu items:Drawing Setup Layers: Layer Isolate by off Undo Layer Isolate Layer Off Undo Layer Off Turn All Layers On Layer Match Change to Current Layer Make Layer Current Layer Walk Layer Lock Undo Layer Lock Layer Unlock Layer Freeze Undo Layer Freeze Thaw All Layers Compute lots Slide brg. Hinge Radial Draw Traverse Draw by deflection Draw curve between 2 lines Draw circle between 2 lines Dim Angle between 2 lines Draw curve: PC RP PT PC POC PT PC PI PT Tan to line Text: Text Leader Mtext Leader Box around text Trim behind text Import Text Find and Replace Convert text to Mtext Write text to file Write Mtext to file Mtext to spreadsheet cdf Add to text Remove from text Graphic Scale Crowsfoot Profiles: Define profile UCS Select profile UCS Draw profile grid Label profile elev. Convert 3d poly to profile Extract Profile Resize blocks Load English or Metric Menu |
Label menu items:Label lines BRG: Brg Dist | | Brg Dist Brg | Dist Dist | Brg Dist | | Dist Table Note point to point: Brg Dist | | Brg Dist Brg | Dist Dist | Brg Dist | | Dist Label lines AZN: Azn Dist | | Azn Dist Azn | Dist Dist | Azn Dist | | Dist Table Note point to point: Azn Dist | | Azn Dist Azn | Dist Dist | Azn Dist | | Dist Label lines AZS: Azs Dist | | Azs Dist Azs | Dist Dist | Azs Dist | | Dist Table Note point to point: Azs Dist | | Azs Dist Azs | Dist Dist | Azs Dist | | Dist Label curves: Rad ( Len Len ( Rad Len ( ( Len Table Brg Table Azn Table Azs Note Brg Note Azn Note Azs Label curves (point to point): Rad ( Len Len ( Rad Len ( ( Len Lot numbers Label coords Label stations Label station offset Label Areas List lines List curves Write Parcel desc Closure report: Bearings Azimuth North Azimuth South DTM menu items:DTM help Create DTM project: Create from DP nodes Create from points Create from blocks Create from 3d lines/polylines Open project Edit point file Add points: Add pnts from DP nodes Add pnts from points Add pnts from blocks Add pnts from 3d lines/polylines Select fault lines Edit fault file Select boundaries Edit boundary file Create surface Import TIN Create contours Label contours Create mesh Extract profile from TIN Import profile Overlay profile Set profile UCS current Import surface from XML Export surface to XML Calculate volumes Simple Road Design menu items:Road help Set Project path Create Road project Open Road project Extract profile from TIN Import existing profile Define proposed profile Import proposed profile Set profile UCS current Define template Import template Template locations Extract sections from TIN Import existing sections Define slopes Define ditches Process sections Import top points Import proposed sections Section Tools Sewer Profiles Section volumes |