For release at 9AM Pacific Time – April 8, 2010
Autodsys Offers
Upgrade to Cadopia Users
Portland, Oregon —Autodsys, Inc. (
today announced the availability of a competitive upgrade to the latest version
of AcceliCAD from any version of Cadopia. All Cadopia levels and versions
qualify for the upgrade from version 2000 onward and any level including
Standard, Pro, and Premium. The competitive upgrade is also available for
any other IntelliCAD platform or version.
"We sympathize with users who are left without an upgrade path for the software
they have invested in", said Ronald Prepchuk, President of Autodsys, Inc.
"We want to provide them with an affordable upgrade that gives them the latest
version of IntelliCAD code plus additional features to make them more
productive." he added. Cadopias membership in the IntelliCAD Consortium
was terminated last May and the latest Cadopia is based on IntelliCAD
6.4. AcceliCAD is based on the latest IntelliCAD 6.6 code and contains
many features not found in Cadopia or other CAD products.
The competitive upgrade is only $300.
AcceliCAD includes all of these advanced features:
Batch plotting interface allows the plotting of multiple drawings and layouts
in one step. Different paper sizes, scales, and pen settings can be applied to
each plot. Each batch plot set can be saved to a file for reuse the next time a
set of printouts is required.
Quick dimensioning feature will dimension an entire part or plan in one easy
step. Methods supported include continuous, baseline, staggered, ordinate,
radius, and datum point.
Dimension-driven editing, allowing a user to modify a dimension and see the
object change to match the new dimension.
Entity information window that displays relevant information about an object
when the user places the cursor over it. This feature also works with ArchT
objects to display the object type, style, and size.
Polar angle tracking
Floating prompt menus that put command options right at the cursor location
Heads-up keyboard entry that allows angles, distances and text to be entered
without looking at the keyboard.
System variable editor puts all of the drawing and system settings in one place
with tooltips and help strings to make it easier to understand each setting.
Configurations can be imported and exported to disk so that they can be
transferred between drawings or different computers to improve compliance with
office standards Auto-update to get users the most recent patches and updates
Built-in Spellchecker
Optional Network License Management to share licenses with multiple users
Toolbar enhancements with one-touch toggle of toolbars to clear the drawing
Custom entity display which supports add-ons such as AutoLINE
Encryption/Decryption mechanism for lisp files, hatch patterns, and block
About Autodsys, Inc.
Autodsys is a privately held company, commercial and board member of the
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium and developer of AcceliCAD, IntelliCAD,
AcceliARCH (ArchT), and other utilities to increase user productivity. Autodsys
has been producing AutoCAD add-ons since 1986 and has received industry awards
for its products including “Highly Recommended” by Cadalyst Magazine and
"Editors Choice" awards by Cadence Magazine.
Contact Information
Autodsys, Inc.
292 NW Walnut Ave
Dundee, OR 97115
Phone: 503-487-6051
Fax: 503-487-6052